var FORM_ASYNC = false; const upload_form = document.getElementById("upload_form"); const the_file = document.getElementById("the_file"); const filename_input = document.getElementById("filename"); const upload_btn = document.getElementById("upload_btn"); const the_path = document.getElementById("the_path"); const current_directory = document.getElementById("current_directory"); the_file.onchange = on_file_added; var pwd = []; const pending_uploads = []; var context_menu = null; class FileView { constructor(filename, visuals, mimetype, is_directory) { this.filename = filename; this.visuals = visuals; this.mimetype = mimetype; this.is_directory = is_directory; } } class PendingUpload { constructor(fileview) { this.fileview = fileview; } } var files = []; function on_file_added(_e) { if (the_file.files.length >= 1) { filename_input.value = the_file.files[0].name; if (!FORM_ASYNC) { upload_form.submit(); return; } var fileview = add_file_visuals(filename_input.value, false, "pending"); // Send the form asynchronously through the fetch api fetch(upload_form.action, { method: upload_form.method, body: new FormData(upload_form) }).then((resp) => { if (resp.status == 200) { done_upload(fileview); } else { alert("Upload failed"); } }, () => { alert("Upload failed") }); pending_uploads.push(fileview); } else { alert("No files selected"); } } function done_upload(fileview) { var index = pending_uploads.indexOf(fileview); if (index >= 0) pending_uploads.splice(index, 1); load_dir(); } function load_dir() { while (the_path.children.length > 1) the_path.removeChild(the_path.lastChild); for (let i = 0; i < pwd.length; i++) { var d = pwd[i]; var separator_div = document.createElement('div'); separator_div.classList.add('separator'); the_path.appendChild(separator_div); separator_div.innerText = "ยป"; var entry = document.createElement('button'); entry.classList.add('pathentry'); entry.innerText = d; the_path.appendChild(entry); entry.onclick = () => { pwd.length = i + 1; load_dir(); } } var data = new FormData(); data.append('path', get_path()); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '/php/readdir.php', true); xhr.onload = function () { for (const f of files) f.visuals.remove(); files = []; var json = JSON.parse(this.responseText); for (const f of json) { add_file_visuals(, f.is_directory, f.mimetype); } }; xhr.send(data); } function delete_file(filename) { var file_full_path = get_path() + filename; var data = new FormData(); data.append('path', file_full_path); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '/php/delete.php', true); xhr.onload = function () { load_dir(); }; xhr.send(data); } function rename_file(filename) { var file_full_path = get_path() + filename; var new_name = prompt(`Rename ${filename} to`, filename); if (!new_name) return; var data = new FormData(); data.append('path', file_full_path); data.append('new_name', new_name); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '/php/rename.php', true); xhr.onload = function () { load_dir(); }; xhr.send(data); } function new_folder() { var dirname = prompt(`Directory name`, "New Folder"); if (!dirname) return; var data = new FormData(); data.append('parent_directory', get_path()); data.append('dirname', dirname); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '/php/mkdir.php', true); xhr.onload = function () { load_dir(); }; xhr.send(data); } function add_file_visuals(name, is_directory, mimetype) { var fileDiv = document.createElement('div'); var img = document.createElement('img'); var filename = document.createElement('div'); if (is_directory!=0) { img.src="/mimeicons/directory.png"; fileDiv.onclick = () => { pwd.push(name); load_dir(); } } else { img.src=`/mimeicons/${mimetype.replace("/", "-")}.png`; } fileDiv.oncontextmenu = (e) => { context(e, [ ['Open', () => { if (is_directory) { pwd.push(name); load_dir(); } else { alert('not implemented'); } }], ['Rename', () => { rename_file(name); }], ['Share', () => {alert('not implemented')}], ['Delete', () => { delete_file(name); }], ]); e.preventDefault(); } fileDiv.classList.add('file'); filename.classList.add('filename'); filename.innerText = name; if (mimetype == "pending") fileDiv.classList.add('pending'); fileDiv.appendChild(img); fileDiv.appendChild(filename); current_directory.appendChild(fileDiv); var file = new FileView(name, fileDiv, mimetype, is_directory); files.push(file); return file; } function begin_upload() {; } function context(e, entries) { if (context_menu) context_menu.remove(); context_menu = document.createElement('ul'); context_menu.classList.add('context'); = e.clientX + "px"; = e.clientY + "px"; for (const e of entries) { const li = document.createElement('li'); li.innerText = e[0]; li.onclick = e[1]; context_menu.appendChild(li); } document.body.appendChild(context_menu); } function get_path() { var path = "/"; for (const d of pwd) path += d + "/"; return path; } document.body.onclick = () => { if (context_menu) context_menu.remove(); } load_dir();